Plus AI Feature

Transform your slides

Editing your presentation has never been easier.

Pick a layout and Plus AI will intelligently remix your content to fit the slide design — even if it’s just a blob of raw text, directly in Google Slides and PowerPoint.

Remix layouts
No more manually rearranging, aligning, and distributing text boxes in Google Slides and PowerPoint.
Transform any slide into a layout of your choice in one click.
Remix content
Plus AI will intelligently adapt your text into the shape of the slide you want.
You can also add specific instructions, like writing for a specific audience or changing the tone.
Generate variants
Stuck in a design rut and not sure which layout you need?
Use Remix to generate a few variants to get inspired.

Remix with a template

手工设计,支持 AI。

我们的模板和设计与我们的整套人工智能工具完全兼容,因此您可以使用 AI 生成、编辑和重新格式化。


使用 AI 生成
将现有 PDF、文档或文本文件转换为自定义演示文稿。
直接在 Google 文档中撰写和编辑,包含在您的订阅中。

利用 Plus 企业版 AI 获得更多收益

适用于谷歌幻灯片和 PowerPoint。导出为所需的任何格式。
What our users say about Plus AI
Absolutely blown away by Plus AI! The AI-powered suggestions are a game-changer. It's like having a personal presentation assistant. Highly recommend this fantastic tool to anyone in need of presentation magic!
Simple and to-the-point slide designs that are suitable for business. Integration between Google Slides and Powerpoint is seamless, so this will be my primary workflow in generating slides.
The integration into Google slides is seamless. It feels like something that should have been there all along! 5/5 stars overall.
The setup was easy and Plus AI created a great structure and talking points for my presentation. I really like the tips on each slide to help me choose images or expand on a point. This tool is now in my arsenal!
Excellent tool that saves me a significant amount of time. It creates a presentation that needs only minor editing when used with detailed prompts. Our team loves it for brainstorming and account reps use it for collaborating with clients.
It helps me when I am struggling to meet the expectations of upper-management to create stunning presentations. For a simple "monthly digital marketing plan presentation", the design, outline, and copy is very good.
I highly recommend Plus to anyone who wants to make beautiful presentations, fast. It’s the best AI tool for Google Slides, and it has saved me hours of work and frustration.
Having struggled with making presentations all my life, I found it accessible and convenient to use Plus AI to generate and edit my slideshows based on some inputs, then customise to my liking.
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安装量超过 100 万次
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