Plus AI Feature

Editar slides com IA

Aperfeiçoe sua apresentação com nossas ferramentas de edição de slides com inteligência artificial. Insira, reformate, reescreva e traduza diretamente no Google Slides e no PowerPoint.

Melhore suas apresentações existentes

plus ai activity icon
Para obter mais controle, adicione um slide por vez. Escolha o tipo de slide exato que você precisa.
Reformate um slide existente, mesmo que seja apenas uma bolha de texto. Gere variantes para ver o que você mais gosta.
Plus AI remix slide icon
Condense, expanda, altere o tom, corrija a gramática e muito mais, em qualquer idioma.

Easy-to-use AI image styles

Human creativity, AI enabled.

You don't need to be a prompt whiz to use our image generator — just describe what you want to see.
"an astronaut exploring near Jupiter"
Using a template? Plus AI automatically selects a matching image style.

Explore what's possible

plus ai activity icon
Concept art
"a stack of cubes of different materials on a marble surface. the top cube has a marbled appearance. the second cube is transparent."
Plus AI book icon
Professional training
"a digital lock over a background of binary code, symbolizing cybersecurity"
Plus AI book icon
Creative portfolio
"closeup of an array of pink glazed donuts with pale white sprinkles on a pink background"
plus ai activity icon
"a scientist looking through a microscope in a laboratory"
plus ai activity icon
Marketing photography
"an arrangement on a limegreen tabletop with a glass of white wine, a plate of oranges, and a glass of red wine"
plus ai activity icon
Children's illustration
"a dog sitting in an armchair reading a book in front of a fireplace"
plus ai activity icon
"Stock" photography
"a group of employees in a conference room reviewing a screen with charts and graphs"
plus ai activity icon
Abstract background
"a close-up view of a soft pink building facade, with a series of round and square windows that forms an array"
plus ai activity icon
Corporate illustration
"a group of employees receiving onboarding training"
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Digital graphic
"three types of big cats"
plus ai activity icon
Design rendering
"interior of a modernist house with tables and chairs and a woodclad wall"
plus ai activity icon
"a row of glowing jack-o'-lanterns on a stone wall, leading towards a castle in the background, at night"

Mais recursos

Gere com IA
Não sabe por onde começar? Basta descrever sua apresentação em algumas frases.
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Carregar um arquivo
Converta um PDF, documento ou arquivo de texto existente em uma apresentação personalizada.
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Use qualquer idioma
Público internacional? Traduza sua apresentação para qualquer idioma.
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Documentos do Google
Escreva e edite diretamente no Google Docs, incluído na sua assinatura.
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Are Plus AI generated images safe for commercial use?

Yes, you can use the image outputs from Plus AI for commercial purposes.

What is the best AI image generator for commercial use?

While this is an evolving market, most of the popular AI image generators allow you to use the image outputs from the models for commercial use.

The area where you may run in to more questions on a model-by-model basis is whether or not you are allowed to use the model itself for commercial purposes (i.e., charge people for use of the model).

If you are looking for an AI image generator for presentations that integrates directly with PowerPoint and Google slides, you should try Plus AI.

Is there an AI for PowerPoint presentations?

Yes, there are several AI presentation apps you can use to create PowerPoint slides. Some of the most popular AI tools for PowerPoint include Plus AI and Microsoft Copilot.

What is the best AI PowerPoint generator?

Here are our reviews of the best AI PowerPoint generators. For professional PowerPoint users, we recommend Plus AI.

Is AI image generation included with my Plus AI subscription?

Yes, if you have a Plus Pro or Team subscription, you have unlimited access to Plus AI image generation.

The Plus Basic plan allows you to generate presentations with images in them, but you will not have access to the "Generate images" tab of the editing sidebar.

Is there a free trial for AI image generation?

Yes, you can try Plus AI for free for 7 days. When picking a plan for your trial, make sure to choose either the Pro or the Team plans, which includes unlimited AI image generation.

Does Copilot have an AI image generator?

Yes, you can use Copilot to generate images using AI. You can also try using Image Creator in Bing if you'd like to have more control over image styles and outputs.

Does Gemini have an AI image generator?

Yes, you can use Gemini to generate images via the chatbot interface or using Gemini in Google Slides, where your image will be automatically inserted onto your slide.

Can ChatGPT generate images for free​?

No, generating images with ChatGPT requires a paid Plus subscription, which starts at $20/month.

Frequently asked questions

Have more questions? Check out our Help Center.